Laura Zaharia, volunteer architect at Wat Yai Suvannaram - Phetchaburi
It was since those 2 weeks until November 4th 2015 when the 35+ of international volunteers architects and students from architectural colleges were at Wat Yai Suwannaram in Petchburi to do the 'professionally adventure' in vernacular documentation. For non-architect, VernaDoc is the tough task of measurement and unplug drawing 'in scale' of the architectural heritages. The technique was introduced to Thailand in just last few decades.
left : Dr Gisle Jakhelln The President of ICOMOS CIAV ;
right : Ella Kylä-Kause and Thai Wannasawang at Wat Yai Suwannaram - Phetchaburi
Dr Gisle Jakhelln The President of ICOMOS CIAV ;
"It is the great pleasure that I have an opportunity to represent the CIAV to be here today.
The camp in Thailand has been far-developed and very active.
All of your works with the millions of lines are amazing.
The enthusiasm is the heart here to make the heritages alive.
I am so happy today because I see 2 factors here. One, we are documenting the history
and two, which is much more important.
That is the young generations has documented their heritage by hands, not the photography. Now you will appreciate and understand the heritage in different way."
Ms Valeria Prieto, CIAV Secretariat :
"Am proud to know you , all the volunteers from regions. We are all here together because of the #VERNADOC.
Thank you Sudjit Sananwai, you made these all happen without doubt."
ASA Vernadoc thanks to all institutions concern ie ICOMOS, ASA , volunteers from any countries who now become the veterans, and the sponsors as well as the local and international architecture colleges and schools.
Inclusive of Ariya Songprapai
Parichat Sakunjaroenpornchai
Johanna Anttila
Ege Yildirim
And Ali Malekabbasi
For more 20+ pictures please visit :